

our guardians are innocent employees who volunteer with our charity partners

They also keep everyone else at innocent in the loop about what’s happening with the foundation.

We’ve had 171 guardians since we began in 2004, with many of them lending their time, as well as their skills to partners or putting them in touch with someone else who has the skills they’re after. Like the time innocent’s sales and strategy expert Kate T helped create a pitch deck, so her project partner could apply for more funding. Or when innocent’s nutritionist Louisa H created simple recipe cards with the innocent design team for the Microloan Foundation. These helped female farmers grow new crops in Malawi. Nice work guys.

Our guardians meet every month or so to hear updates on all the projects, as well as make plans to support our partners. 

We’ve got guardians volunteering in innocent offices all over – including Amsterdam, Dublin, London, Madrid, Paris, Rotterdam, Stockholm and Salzburg. We couldn’t be more grateful for everything they do to help the foundation out.