innocent foundation scholars get to business

innocent foundation scholars get to business

Maria M and Borja A put the cash back in cashew with business planning in coastal Kenya

This summer, the innocent foundation sent Scholars Maria M (a fruit, veg and agriculture expert) and Borja A (sales lead) to Kilifi to work with the cooperative on a business plan to get more cash for their cashews. The innocent foundation has been funding the Empowering Farmers Foundation for over a year to help the smallholder farmers in Kilifi County, Kenya, to revive their cashew crop and start intercropping with tasty millet. This was our chance to add some crackerjack skills on top of our financial donation.  

The innocent foundation Scholarship takes the professional skills of our friends at innocent drinks (who know a thing or two about growing, processing and selling fruits and vegetables) and brings them to bear on non-profit problems. You can take a look at some of the foundation’s previous Scholars here.

See more of Maria and Borja’s travels here:

Borja A Maria M and Cashew Broker _ Photo Credit Borja A

innocent foundation scholarship 2023 on Vimeo

Posted by Connor Friesen on December 6, 2023