our new strategy (coming soon)

our new strategy (coming soon)

what will the foundation’s next five-year strategy be?

At the innocent foundation, we dream big. We dream of a world where everyone has enough food to live. But that doesn’t mean we’ve got our head in the clouds. We know that to reach our dream, we need a rock-solid plan.   

Over the last five years, we’ve pursued two goals: first, to stop children dying of hunger, and second, to help the poorest families to feed themselves.  

Over the past months, our trustees have been locked in deliberation over how the innocent foundation moves forward in the next five years.  

It’s been a journey to get here. We’ve spoken to the families and farmers we work for and support. We’ve consulted with partners and friends across the non-profit world. We’ve looked back at our partnerships over the past nineteen years and asked an external evaluator to tell us how some of them are doing, years later.  

Now, our foundation’s trustees—who include the founders of innocent drinks, the business’ current leadership, and experts from the fields of health and nutrition—are asking the big questions that will help us to bring a laser focus to our work over the next five years.  

We’re nearly there and we’re excited to let you know what we’ll be working on next.  

But not. quite. yet.  

Watch this space for strategy news next year as we celebrate our 20th birthday.  

To see our current strategy, have a look here.

Posted by Connor Friesen on November 30, 2023