Concern Worldwide

Concern Worldwide

Training mothers to diagnose children with acute malnutrition so they can get the help they need.

  • Goal 1

  • North Horr, Kenya

  • 2018 - 2022

  • Concern Worldwide

working with Concern Worldwide in Kenya to help mothers spot the signs of acute malnutrition

In partnership with

the project

In the arid and semi-arid areas of Northern Kenya the effects of drought-related food insecurity are manifested in high maternal and child malnutrition. In order to address the formidable geographic access barriers faced by the pastoralist population, Concern Worldwide and the Ministry of Health are training mothers to screen their children for acute malnutrition, and if necessary refer them for treatment. We’ve learned from our partners that the home is a vital frontline in the fight against hunger. The CeaSurge project teaches mothers and caregivers to use a MUAC (mid-upper arm circumference) screening band. A big part of the project is to test whether mothers can take and understand the measurements properly. If they can, they’ll be able to get their children to local health centres much quicker. Which could save a lot of kids’ lives.

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