the innocent foundation scholars are on the road

the innocent foundation scholars are on the road

four new scholars are heading out to help the foundations partners to take their work to the next level

innocent foundation scholars are a rare breed – they’re great at making smoothies – sure, but they also dream of something more.

This year, innocent drinks staff competed for four spots on the innocent foundation scholarship programme. Starting in August, the four winning scholars are meeting up with the foundation’s partners in Kenya and the UK to lend skills from their day-jobs to support not-for-profits helping hungry people. Maria M and Borja A have just returned from helping a smallholder farming co-op in Kilifi County, Kenya, to make some great cash from their cashew crop, Imogen A is currently helping Concern Worldwide UK to freshen up their fundraising, and Matt D is on the road, working with Kickstart International in Nairobi, Kenya, to create an online map of the best irrigated smallholder farms around. Good luck you lot.

For more on our scholars, follow the link.

Posted on September 14, 2023