who are we granting emergency funds to?

we’re supporting our current and previous partners throughout the emergency


As you can read about here, we gave £355k back in May 2020 to four partners who we’ve worked with over the years to support with emergency COVID funding in the communities they feel need it most. They are Oxfam, Concern Worldwide, Send a Cow and Feedback Madagascar.


Partner: Concern Worldwide

Country: Ethiopia

Details: The innocent foundation has teamed up with Concern Worldwide to support the most rural and highly populated regions of Ethiopia with an integrated emergency livelihoods and WASH (Water, sanitation and hygiene) response. In a country whose population is 80% dependent on rain-fed agriculture for its livelihoods, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic could be devastating. Concern, with the innocent foundation’s emergency grant, seeks to mitigate both primary and secondary impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic. The programme will support water and sanitation facilities in health centres and provide safe water supply benefiting 20,000 people directly and 80,000 indirectly and at the same time it will boost local food production by providing quickly maturing seeds and agricultural support to the most at risk households.


Partner: Oxfam

Country: Bangladesh

Details:  Oxfam is supporting both vulnerable communities in rural and urban areas of Bangladesh and Rohingya refugees in Cox’s Bazar. The support of the innocent foundation will help Oxfam to:  1) Ensure access to Community Public Health Promotion for COVID 19 affected people (WASH Activities) – with Hygiene Kit (including packaging, transport and distribution) and PPE (Masks, Hand Globes and Hand Sanitization).  2)  Ensure access to basic Social protection / Cash Programming activities for COVID 19 affected people – with Multi-purpose Cash Grant (MPG) for Rural households amounting, Multi-purpose Cash Grant (MPG) for Urban households and bKash service cost for Multipurpose Cash Grants disbursement to beneficiaries/ HH (BDT 10 per BDT 1,000).


Partner: Feedback Madagascar

Country: Madagascar

Details: We will spend funds on the following immediate priorities reaching 300,000 direct action beneficiaries and 500,000 messaging beneficiaries. The activities will be: messaging risk communication and community engagement, mobilising, training and supporting community health volunteers, safe water points, equipment for health care centres e.g. frontal non-contact thermometers, WASH kits and support for schools, health centres and municipalities, deworming campaign for the most vulnerable in 6 areas for wider health resilience, maternity resilience with the provision of birthing kits in 1,000 women and the establishment of community level committees to prepare communities on emergency readiness.


Partner: Send A Cow

Countries: Zambia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda

Details: Send a Cow’s (SAC) immediate response will focus on slowing and stopping transmission, preventing outbreaks and delaying spread. We aim for our response to support 22,250 people directly as members of our projects’ self-help groups. A further 31,000 people will be impacted indirectly through our community awareness raising activities and handwashing stations, and direct beneficiaries ‘passing on’ their knowledge, advice and seeds gained from SAC to their neighbours. In total, we therefore aim to impact 53,250 people through our immediate response across five countries. The response SAC is able to implement will vary under each country’s current lockdown situation and government restrictions. Across all countries however, our focus for our immediate response will be on community engagement & awareness raising, provision of health & hygiene inputs and delivery of emergency food supplies.

Posted on July 1, 2020